Friday, November 18, 2011

I need my teacher to Learn

I need my Teachers to Learn” reminds me so much of my high school experience. We were always punished for using our phones (for texting of course) and were never allowed to bring our computers. It was a hard thing to do in some classes because we could have utilized many more resources had we had the right tools. Nowadays texting is used to answer questions in class. It’s a great way to take advantage of something that most everyone has (which means fewer expenses for the school system). Another great tool is Skype. A part in this video made me sad when hearing of the little girl that was going to bring her Army dad to show and tell, but couldn’t because the school’s internet system blocked the website. Anything with images or videos is automatically protected against just in case something was to get through. While this is in place for safety reasons, it is a huge disadvantage when students are trying to do projects that involve the inclusion of photos or videos.

Many of my teachers were set in their ways when it came to teaching that we weren’t able to use many new programs for projects. It seemed that they thought technology was evil and that it was corrupting us, when in fact it is the stepping stone to our future. The way that I did a lot of assignments was in an older style of teaching and it really hurt me when I got to college. My professors use the latest and greatest tools, so when I am “supposed” to know how to already use a certain program, I don’t and have to play catch up. My favorite line from this video is when the writer is singing about how teachers need to continuously learn and be okay with it. Everything that has to do with technology changes constantly, so staying on top of the game is crucial. Even though it is rather difficult to master a new program only to be told that a newer one is going to take its place, there is a rhyme and reason for it. I will implement continuous learning for my children and I in my classroom so that we are able to complete “cool” projects and have fun using technology while we do it. 


I wasn’t sure what to expect when I enrolled in this class, but I have definitely learned about a lot of good resources and tools that I will be able to use in my classroom. One of my favorites was the website that we created with Google Sites. It will be extremely beneficial to my classroom since our world is gravitating towards everything being digital. Parents need to stay informed so that their child has the best experience while in school, but getting them to a desired level of participation is a fight (for some). A quick click of a button (or touch on a screen) is all it takes to be connected to a website, and if everything is easily accessible, there really isn’t an excuse to not be informed. It is my dream (as is many other educators) that every child would have access to internet outside of school. Having homework on your website is a great thing because it eliminates the beloved “I forgot it at home” or the classic “my dog ate it” (but how many times does that really happen…) and even “I didn’t know how.” Granted, the latter is probable, but with tools such as a portaportal, students can access different links on a regular basis that assist them with their work outside of the classroom.

It is my dream to have an ipad for each of my students, but this is not a reality. The funding is just not there, but it would be an amazing thing if it was!  There are other options out there that are accessible, such as an ELMO or promethean board. In years to come, I am very sure that more options will become readily available to teachers as far as integrating technology into the classroom. Hopefully more funding will become available through grants and other gifts. We need to educate our younger generation for the future otherwise we are setting them up to fail. A teacher needs to be able to teach and also be taught all throughout their career, and this is something that has stuck with me throughout this course. I will take away this: things are rapidly changing around us, but we don’t need to be scared. We have to grab the bull by the horns and go into it headstrong with a mindset that is positive. Saying it this way makes it sound like it’s scary, but it really isn’t. I’m more excited than anything to be able to integrate new things into my lessons.


Are we educating our children for the future? Sir Ken Robinson discusses this matter in his video The Importance of Creativity . Our world is rapidly changing around us, but are we preparing our youth to successfully change and grow with it? Sir Robinson said that we are “squandering kids’ talents” by not allowing them to use their creativity while learning. It is important to have creativity in the classroom because children thrive on figuring things out for themselves.  If we “squander” their abilities, or tell them that there is only ONE way to do something, they will never have the chance to develop into a well-rounded citizen that is dynamic in several things; not just math and/or science. Sir Robinson also discussed educating people outside of their educational capacities so that they are able to expand their horizons and not get stuck with only being good at one or two things. In today’s teaching methods, we are growing out of creativity, or rather; we are “being educated out.” A thought to ponder and a possible proposal to some school districts is why aren’t more arts being taught on a daily basis like math and science are? The arts are just as important because it allows a new method of thinking to be brought into a child’s learning experience. It enables their brains to expound upon new ideas and also new ways to get something done. Sometimes there is a grey area; not just black and white. Figuring out what is in that grey area is important because a creation that could change the world could be stored in it, but without creativity, could it ever come out? People are steered away from pursuing a career in the arts because it doesn’t get you to the top. If Steve Jobs had never let his mind explore new ideas and come up with some of the most amazing technology products out there, Apple products wouldn’t exist.

Many people believe that science and math will change the world, and while it just well may, the goal-minded artist in the background is changing things too. “The whole world is engulfed in a revolution,” Sir Robinson stated. He also mentioned that in the next 30 years, more people will be graduating worldwide since the beginning of the universe. With the way our education system is going, our minds are being mined like strip mines for one specific purpose; teaching to the test. We are all about scores and numbers and a specific solution to solve something. Grades make or break your school endeavors, and without making the grade, you fail. Even though it truly is about what you learn and take away from a course and not just your grades, school systems worldwide say that if you don’t pass, you’re not doing something right. For me, if I don’t make a good grade in something, I get down on myself and can’t let it go. Even though I most likely still learned a lot of information from something by figuring it out in the process, if I didn’t meet the criteria for the assignment, I fail. It is a corrupt system we are in because really, who is to say who is right and who isn’t? Another interesting fact that Sir Ken Robinson stated was that if all bugs were to disappear from the earth, in 50 years everything would die, but if all humans were to disappear from earth, in 50 years everything would flourish. We need to educate the whole being of a person and not just a part. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

About me!

I am new to the whole blogging thing, but with Facebook and everything else that's come along with technology, I am sure it won't be hard! Keeping up with it is going to be the biggest thing for me! Let me introduce myself. My name is Emily and I am 19 years old. I am from Murfreesboro and I have never lived anywhere else! I work at Zaxby's and I also at Scales Elementary School with ESP (Extended School Program.) Besides these two things, I also nanny a two year old and sell Thirty-One gifts on the side. I stay busy! Balancing them all is the toughest part, but it all gets done! 

My amazing God, friends, boyfriend of almost 3 years, and my family are the things that keep me going. Without their support, I would not be able to do half the things I do! 

I am an Interdisciplinary Studies (K-6) major and I am SOOO excited! I absolutely cannot wait to graduate and get a job so that I can have my own classroom. This semester is the first one that I have taken any education classes and I just love them all! I look forward to learning about y'all as well!